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MSU Denver skyline from Auraria campus with an MSU Denver flag hanging from a light post.
Workplace Experience

Years of Service Celebration on April 6

Human Resources to recognize full-time staff and faculty members for their dedication at the President’s Spring Update.

MSU Denver skyline from Auraria campus with an MSU Denver flag hanging from a light post.

During the President’s Spring Update on April 6, Human Resources will recognize all full-time administrative staff, full-time classified staff and full-time faculty members for their years of service to Metropolitan State University of Denver. 

Years of service are calculated from the day an employee joined the University in a full-time role through this past Dec. 31. Employees within the following categories will be recognized:

  • One year 
  • Three years 
  • Five years 
  • 10 years 
  • 15 years 
  • 20 years 
  • 25 years 
  • 30 years 
  • 35 years 
  • 40 years 
  • 55 years 
  • Retirement 

Please note that Years of Service are calculated manually, requiring HR staff members to cross-reference multiple University systems. After HR’s upcoming transition to the Workday learning-management system is complete, this process will be largely automated. HR thanks the University community for its patience and understanding as the team works to streamline and improve the Years of Service calculation process.  

RSVP for President’s Spring Update 

April 6
8-8:40 a.m. Breakfast
8:45-10 a.m. Main Program 
King Center Concert Hall   

RSVP to attend.