Metropolitan State University of Denver’s Staff Senate convened March 14 for its monthly meeting led by President Rebecca Reid, innovation and transformation analyst for Human Resources.
There were no votes taken at the meeting, and committee members went straight into updates after the welcoming and guest speaker.
Committee updates
Budget Taskforce
Sens. Diane Yee, director of Campus Recreation, and Caitlin Plamp, assistant director of admissions, strategic enrollment and data management for Social Work, updated the Staff Senate on recent discussions with the Office of Human Resources.
- HR is updating the compensation philosophy and a couple of pay-grade terms to create consistency and transparency. Off-cycle will now be called “compensation change,” and promotions will be called “job requisition.”
- A firm is being hired to do a pay-equity study based on job functions.
- There is also a new SharePoint for University Planning and Budget Advisory Committee meetings and notes, which can be found here.
- Colorado higher education institutions agreed to request a 14% budget increase, while Gov. Jared Polis proposed 6.5% last fall.
Senate Policy Review Committee
Sen. Katie Joyce, special projects manager and assistant to the associate vice president/Dean of Students, updated the body about the Naming Rights Policy, which took place earlier in March. More about University policies can be found here.
Communication Committee
Sen. Lynne Winter, assistant director of Advancement Communications, did not have an update other than saying she and Plamp continue to work on the restructure task force.
Elections Committee
Sen. Brian Gunther, manager of technical process and communications, said the committee is encouraging staff members to continue filling out the restructuring survey. Once more surveys and employee data become available, there will be more information on the restructure. Staff Senate Secretary Bridget Wetzel informed the body that University President Janine Davidson, Ph.D., approved a governing document that included phrasing saying she will not need to sign off on any future bylaws changes in the Staff Senate.
Recognition and Scholarships Committee
Sen. Emalie Whan-Traylor, assistant director of Marketing, updated the body about the Classified Memorial Endowed Scholarship. It has not been updated in the scholarship cycle but will be changed to the “MSU Denver Memorial Staff Endowed Scholarship,” which will lead to more staff members being eligible.
Senate Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Sen. Barbara Fricks Romero, data assessment analyst, encouraged senators to continue participating in JEDI professional-development opportunities, which can be found here. Senators are also able to record their progress here.
Up next
The next Staff Senate meeting will take place Tuesday, April 11, at 10 a.m.