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Staff Senate
Leadership and Governance

Nominations to join Staff Senate open through March 20

Staff members are also encouraged to fill out Structure and Representation Survey.

Staff Senate

Metropolitan State University of Denver’s Staff Senate convened Feb. 14 for its monthly meeting led by Secretary Bridget Wetzel, online student-services manager.  

In the meeting, the Budget Taskforce shared that the University Planning and Budget Advisory Committee will move toward a multiyear planning-and-budget process. Committee members have discussed the budget forecast and presidential priorities such as sustaining momentum, meeting students where they are, faculty workload, innovation and efficacies. In addition, UPBAC is working on setting up a public SharePoint site that will include meeting recordings, notes and announcements.

Other updates and announcements

  • The Staff Senate was joined by Kerline Eglaus, executive director of Financial Aid and Scholarships, for a presentation and Q&A about financial aid (scholarships and institutional aid, work-study and loans) and Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeals and Academic Plans.  
  • The Staff Senate is accepting nominations for open officer and senator positions, including president and secretary, through March 20. Staff members can nominate themselves or someone they think would be a good representative.  
  • All staff members (professional/administrative, classified and student employee) are asked to fill out the Staff Senate Structure and Representation Survey to provide input that will help guide future Staff Senate structure.  
  • Ruby Matheny, assistant director of Alumni Engagement, accepted the appointment of at-large senator.  
  • The Roadrunners Who Soar awards are April 6. The event is by individual invitation only, but members of the MSU Denver community are invited to participate via livestream.  
  • Day of Giving is March 30. Learn how you can get involved and help make a difference in the lives of current and future Roadrunners.  

The next meeting will be held via Teams on March 14 at 10 a.m.