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MSU Denver seeks feedback on proposed Anti-Hazing Policy 

The guidelines are designed to comply with federal instructions under the Stop Campus Hazing Act, signed by President Biden in December.

Students walking on campus

Metropolitan State University of Denver faculty and staff members are invited to provide feedback on a proposed Anti-Hazing Policy. 

Recommendations from those views will be shared with MSU Denver policy developers, the University Policy Advisory Council and the President’s Cabinet before review and possible approval by President Janine Davidson, Ph.D., and the Board of Trustees (when applicable). 

Please submit recommendations and questions by the end of the day on April 11. 

How to provide feedback 

The proposed policy would apply to hazing involving two or more people from the University community, regardless of whether it occurs at sanctioned or nonsanctioned events. It would apply to student organizations, groups and individuals from matriculation to Commencement, including academic breaks.  

If the policy is approved, it will take effect May 1; if faculty members are included in the policy, it will take effect June 1. 

For more information on the H.R. 5646 Stop Campus Hazing Act, visit the website