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Paid family leave
Employee Wellness

New state program expands access to paid leave beginning in 2024

The voter-approved State Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program will pay up to 90% of wages for employees.

Paid family leave

Colorado voters approved Proposition 118 in November 2020, paving the way for a state-run Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) Program. The FAMLI Program ensures that all Colorado workers have access to paid leave to care for themselves and their families while experiencing life circumstances that may pull them away from their job. The FAMLI Program will begin paying benefits Jan. 1, 2024.

FAMLI differs from the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in two ways: 

  • FAMLI is paid leave. FMLA is leave that is unpaid but job-protected. 
  • Employees working in Colorado for a business of any size are eligible for FAMLI. 

Beginning on Jan. 1, 2024, nearly every Colorado worker who earns at least $2,500 in yearly wages within the state will be eligible to take paid family and medical leave during covered circumstances: 

  • To care for a new child, including adopted and fostered children. 
  • To care for themselves if they have a serious health condition.
  • To care for a family member with a serious health condition. 
  • To make arrangements for a family member’s military deployment. 
  • To address the immediate safety needs and impact of domestic violence and/or sexual assault.  

The state’s premium calculator can be used to estimate benefits under the plan. While benefits through the program become available in 2024, premium collections begin this month. This program does not apply to out-of-state employees. 

What this means for you 

Metropolitan State University of Denver employee premiums will be paid by the University for 2023. This means employees will not see FAMLI deductions on their paychecks this year. MSU Denver will continue to explore long-term options.  

More information on the FAMLI Program is available at More information on implementation at MSU Denver will be shared via the Early Bird and the Human Resources website when available.