The Metropolitan State University of Denver Staff Senate opened its first meeting of the 2022-23 academic year on July 12, giving new members an opportunity to introduce themselves and what they hope to contribute while serving. President Rebecca Reid announced she is entering her fourth and final year as president, a position that can only be held for two consecutive terms. Reid was first elected president in 2019 at the creation of Staff Senate and has been the only person to hold the title.
2022-23 staff senators
- Rebecca Reid, president
- Brandi Rideout, vice president
- Bridget Wetzel, secretary
- Diane Yee, treasurer
Division senators:
- Gabriel Grinsteiner, Academic Affairs
- Corrine Anaya, Administration, Finance and Facilities
- Lynne Winter, Advancement
- Donelyn Jones, College of Business
- Angela Rodriguez, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
- Melissa Grogan Gore, College of Health and Applied Sciences
- Emalie Whan-Traylor, President/Strategy and Athletics
- Barbara Fricks-Romero, School of Education
- James Webb, School of Hospitality
- Katie Joyce, Student Affairs
At-Large Senators
- Lara Bruce
- Leah Butler
- Denise Daphne
- Brian Gunther
- Josh Harris
- Miguel Huerta
- Caitlin Plamp
- Kate McLaughlin
- Mei-Mey Segura
- Scarlet Smith
- Brigitte Thompson
- Regan Wells
After introductions, Reid gave a brief description of each Staff Senate committee, some of which are open to all staff members:
Open to all staff:
- Recognition and Scholarships Committee
- Staff Employment and Support Committee
- Campus Ethics Committee
- Communication Committee
- Justice, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
- Policy Review Committee
- Student Employment Committee
Senator or officer standing required:
- Budget Recommendation Committee
- Elections Committee
While staff senators are expected to serve on committees, there are also spots available on most of the committees for other staff members who wish to join.
Next, senators discussed whether the Communications Committee, Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee and Student Employment Committee will be codified into bylaw as standing committees rather than staying ad-hoc. After discussion, staff senators decided to solicit more feedback from members of those committees before taking a vote
Community announcements
- Homecoming is Sept. 28 – Oct. 1, and the annual 5K will take place on Oct. 1.
- Volunteers are needed for the Westword Music Showcase Sept. 9 – 10. Contact Emalie Whan-Traylor if interested.
- MSU Denver is still partnering with the Rockies 50/50 raffle and is looking for volunteers on game days.
- There is a new structure for ProctorU that no longer requires students to pay for proctoring.
- Staff Senate retreat will be July 26.