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Leadership and Governance

Meet the School of Hospitality dean candidates

Event details for three finalists visit to campus next week to participate in open forums with employees and students.

Three candidates for dean of the School of Hospitality will visit Metropolitan State University of Denver next week to share their vision for the role. The search committee invites Roadrunners to attend the following open forums to meet the finalists, ask questions and share feedback. Virtual attendance is encouraged for those who cannot be on campus.

Candidate 1


9-10 a.m.: Faculty and staff open forum and meet-and-greet  

2-2:30 p.m.: Student open forum 

Candidate 2


9-10 a.m.: Faculty and staff open forum and meet-and-greet  

2-2:30 p.m.: Student open forum 

Candidate 3

Nov. 3 

9-10 a.m.: Faculty and staff open forum and meet-and-greet staff open forum and meet-and-greet 

2-2:30 p.m.: Student open forum