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Employee Wellness

Know Your Benefits: Download the Sydney Health app for easy access to in-network care

Plus, earn up to $225 in gift cards for taking advantage of Anthem Wellness Rewards Program.

Are you tired of paperwork and phone calls? In addition to Anthem’s website, the Sydney Health app can be downloaded onto your smartphone to find care within minutes. Within the website and app, users can use a tool that will help find in-network care, estimate your costs, view your deductible and manage your prescription benefits. For a tutorial of the Sydney app, please visit the Benesite portal (username: cheiba; password: msudenver). 

As you use the app, don’t forget about the Anthem Wellness Reward Program, which allows you to earn up to $225 in gift cards for receiving checkups, exams and more. 

Participant Advocate Liaison 

If you have billing problems from your doctor or hospital, a claim or service denied in error, reimbursement problems or trouble seeing a specialist, the Participant Advocate Liaison can help at no additional cost. This is a service provided by the Colorado Higher Education Insurance Benefits Alliance Trust.  

When you call or email, have your Member ID number, name of your employer and other relevant information available (name of insurance company, group number, date of service, physician or hospital name, and bills or letters from the insurance company. 

Contact your PAL directly: 

Helpful extras at no additional cost

  •  24/7 NurseLine — confidential one-on-one conversations
    • With 24/7 NurseLine, you can talk to a nurse about hundreds of health issues including colds, coughs, headaches, food and diet and smoking.   
    • Call 800-337-4770. 
  • ConditionCare
    • ConditionCare offers 24-hour, toll-free access to registered nurses to answer questions and provide support as well as educational tools to help manage conditions such as diabetes, coronary artery disease, heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma. 
    • Call 866-962-0953. 
  • Healthy Families — nurses available around the clock
    • Benefit from useful maternity-care materials and tools to help you. Your Healthy Families nurse tracks your pregnancy, identifies possible risks and provides extra pre- and postnatal confidential support and education.