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Office of Faculty Affairs text over image of instructor at white board.
Workplace Experience

Key revisions to Faculty Employment Handbook improve alignment and clarity

The 2024-25 resource includes modernized definitions and changes to the teaching, service and appeals sections.

Office of Faculty Affairs text over image of instructor at white board.

The Office of Faculty Affairs has made several key updates and revisions to the 2024-25 Faculty Employment Handbook.  

“Regularly reviewing and updating definitions and language improves clarity and ensures that this important resource remains relevant and well-aligned with Metropolitan State University of Denver’s mission, goals and priorities,” said Sam Jay, Ph.D., executive director of Emerging Technology and Academic Transformation, Office of Faculty Affairs. “We invite faculty members to review the new language, ask questions and help build awareness of these changes among their teams and colleagues.”

Modernized definitions

The language covering “Scholarly Activities” in the “Definitions” area of the “Performance Reviews for Category I Faculty” section has been revised to modernize and broaden the definition and scope of what constitutes scholarly work. The updated language: 

  • Emphasizes the recognition of traditional and nontraditional forms of scholarship, including community-engaged scholarship and innovative artistic expressions. 
  • Acknowledges diverse dissemination methods beyond peer review, aligning with the evolving landscape of knowledge-sharing in the digital age. 
  • Supports an equitable and inclusive approach to faculty scholarship and recognition. 

Revisions to the ‘Teaching’ language  

Other revisions in this section aim to refine faculty expectations and responsibilities in delivering education that aligns with MSU Denver’s mission and values. The updated language:  

  • Emphasizes inclusive pedagogy, recognizing the importance of teaching practices that respond to students’ diverse experiences. 
  • Broadens instructional responsibilities to include integrating scholarly activities into teaching, employing evidence-based learning approaches and maintaining an inclusive learning environment. 
  • Underscores the importance of continuous professional development, communication with students and use of MSU Denver’s learning-management system (LMS), i.e., Canvas. 

Language has been added to the “Teaching” area regarding office hours with the revised language specifying that faculty members are expected to offer 20 minutes of office hours per week for each credit hour taught instead of a blanket requirement of five hours per week.  

Dr. Samuel Jay, PhD

“This proportional approach provides a more balanced schedule, especially for faculty members with varying course loads,” Jay said.  

Faculty members may conduct some or all office hours remotely with chair and dean approval, Jay said, “so long as the offering of office hours and the modality through which those office hours are offered are reasonable and effectively meet the needs of the students.” 

Updates to ‘Service’

Changes have been made to clarify that service activities are an integral part of faculty duties, supporting the institution’s mission of faculty governance and strategic planning. 

“The revised definition includes contributions to structural equity and efforts impacting student retention and graduation rates,” Jay said. “It acknowledges the significant time commitments required for equity-and-inclusion work and aligns service responsibilities with institutional strategic needs.” 

Revisions to the ‘Appeals/Faculty Right to Respond to Sanction(s) for Major Misconduct’ 

Streamlining and clarifying the appeals process for faculty members facing major disciplinary actions will enhance procedural integrity and respect for faculty rights. Changes include: 

  • A more structured approach to handling disciplinary actions. 
  • Specifying roles of the Disciplinary Appeals Committee. 
  • Ensuring transparency and fairness throughout the process.  

The new Faculty Employment Handbook is live and available via the Office of Faculty Affairs website. Information on the timeline for the upcoming Faculty Employment Handbook Change Proposal Process, which starts in mid-September, is also available for those who wish to propose changes for the 2025-26 handbook.