The Metropolitan State University of Denver faculty brain trust reaches almost every point on the academic spectrum, and the University is always proud to see Roadrunners sharing their knowledge. Each month, the Early Bird highlights a few faculty members who have served as subject-matter experts on timely news topics, providing dynamic perspectives on critical issues.
Here’s a sampling from November:
Jeff Price, Aviation and Aerospace Sciences professor, interviewed with NBC Nightly News about growing airline-security concerns entering the holiday season.
Alex Boodrookas, History assistant professor, interviewed with KOA News about the political elements of the FIFA World Cup.
Matt Makley, History professor and chair, interviewed with Denver7 about efforts under consideration by the Colorado Geographic Naming Advisory Board to rename Mount Evans and other landmarks.
Shannon Donnelly, School of Hospitality affiliate professor, interviewed with Scripps National about the challenges to legalizing cannabis at the federal level.
David Bechtold, Management associate professor, interviewed with Denver7 about the decline in volunteerism at nonprofit and civic organizations.
For a full list of faculty members featured as experts in the media, visit MSU Denver in the News.