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Need publishing support? See how University Press of Colorado can help

As a UCP member, MSU Denver receives an array of benefits from the nonprofit publisher.

Metropolitan State University of Denver is just one of 11 western universities and colleges that support University Press of Colorado (UCP), a nonprofit cooperative enterprise that publishes significant scholarly works. The organization publishes 40-45 new titles each year “with the goal of facilitating communication among scholars.”

As a member, MSU Denver reaps several benefits, including: 

  • The ability to participate in scholarly publishing enterprise without major capital investment. 
  • A trustee on the board of directors, Elizabeth Kleinfeld, Ph.D., who also serves as the director of the Writing Center and is a professor of English.  
  • Access to internships for students interested in publishing.  

Faculty members can also benefit by contacting UPC staff members for expertise regarding topics such as manuscript structure or publishing advice. There are also opportunities for those interested in serving as peer reviewers or editors on UPC’s book series

MSU Denver faculty members have contributed several times to UPC, which publishes topics including: 

  • Anthropology 
  • Archaeology 
  • Environmental justice 
  • Ethnohistory 
  • Colorado history
    • Mining history 
    • Rocky Mountain West 
    • Natural history 

To learn more about these benefits, please contact Kleinfeld.