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Image of the White House with snow on the lawn.
Campus Operations

Trump administration rescinds federal-funding memo 

Employees should continue to support students and academic success as University leaders continue to monitor federal decisions.

Image of the White House with snow on the lawn.

The Trump administration on Wednesday rescinded a memo that had directed federal agencies to pause federal grants, loans and other financial assistance. 

Though the White House clarified that Monday’s directive did not apply to Pell Grants, federal student loans, work-study programs or direct aid to individuals, it created uncertainty and confusion among organizations and programs nationwide that rely on federal funding, including universities.   

A federal judge had temporarily halted the freeze amid legal challenges from a coalition of states, including Colorado. A White House spokesperson on Wednesday said the action to rescind the memo should effectively end the court case, though more executive action on federal funding would come. 

While Metropolitan State University of Denver continues to monitor the impacts of decisions made by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget and other areas of the new presidential administration, the fast-turning events this week underscore the importance of understanding the full scope of unexpected federal directives or policy changes before taking any action, said Kaycee Gerhart, vice president of Government and External Affairs. 

Kaycee Gerhart headshot

“MSU Denver will always work as quickly as possible to understand the impact of any future executive action through the lens of the University’s student- and teaching-centered mission,” Gerhart said. “MSU Denver’s commitment to its employees, students and programs — regardless of how they’re funded — remains steadfast and guided by deeply embedded core values.” 

Employees with specific concerns about any federal action should share them with their supervisors. Supervisors will escalate these concerns to deans and senior leaders for further review by the University’s Government Affairs and General Counsel offices.