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Campus Operations

TimeClock Plus is live until Jan. 4

Important information for hourly employees about recording worktime for the final pay period this year.


The transition to Workday at Metropolitan State University of Denver is well underway, and full implementation is just around the corner. 

TimeClock Plus, the current hourly time- and attendance-management system, will be live until January to accommodate the final pay period this year. All hourly employees, including student and temporary employees, should use TimeClock Plus to submit their hours for the work period beginning Dec. 16 and ending Dec. 31. Upon return from winter break, TimeClock Plus will be available to accommodate employee changes and updates, as well as final manager approvals. Beginning Jan. 1, all work time will be recorded in Workday.

Important dates:

  • Dec. 16: Supervisors must submit any manual payment requests by Dec. 16. Any manual payment requests submitted after Dec. 16 will be processed in Workday after winter break.  
  • Jan. 3: All students and temporary employees who use TimeClock Plus or Banner Self-Service to track their attendance will have until Jan. 3 at 11:59 p.m. MST to submit hours from the previous pay period (Dec. 16-31) into these systems. 
  • Jan. 4: Managers must approve all hours and attendance-related requests no later than 11:59 p.m. MST on Jan. 4 in the appropriate systems — TimeClock Plus or Banner Self-Service — for the previous pay period (Dec. 16-31). 
  • Jan. 4: Student and temporary hourly employees will be able to clock in and clock out using Workday to track time and manage any other attendance-related tasks.

Note for supervisors: Supervisors who manage student and temporary hourly employees will need to enter their hourly employees’ time for Jan. 3 manually into Workday. Stay tuned for more information in a future communication. 

Job Aids will be available to help employees complete all time- and attendance-related tasks, including information for entering time manually into Workday. Job Aids will be available in the Job Aids folder in the Workday Transformation Team this month.