Dear Roadrunners,
I’m sure many of you have seen the news that several university campuses will begin the spring semester remotely and that others have canceled activities and closed facilities in response to the rapid spread of the Omicron variant, which has now been detected in Denver.
At Metropolitan State University of Denver, our Covid-19 health and safety protocols have been working. As of Dec. 16, 99% of MSU Denver on-campus employees and 91% of on-campus students were fully vaccinated, and the University’s weekly positive-test rate was 1.9%.
However, the Omicron variant is easily transmissible and quickly spreading. As always, we will continue to monitor events and Denver Covid data and to follow public-health guidance to discern whether any adjustments are necessary.
In the meantime, here’s what we need from you to stay safe and foster a safe return to on-campus operations next semester:
- Get boosted: Early data shows that getting boosted is a strong protection against Omicron. If you haven’t already, please get your booster as soon as possible.
- Follow travel guidelines: Adhere to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s travel guidelines for U.S. citizens as well as State of Colorado health, safety and travel guidance.
- Get tested: Get tested before and after travel to avoid potential spread of Covid-19.
- Order at-home tests: Purchase home testing kits for Covid-19 or request two free testing kits from the State of Colorado. Although they have limitations and shouldn’t be used for definitive diagnosis, they offer a level of information and protection.
- Wear masks: Continue to wear masks in situations where virus spread is more likely.
- Maintain distance: Avoid crowded, poorly ventilated spaces.
- Stay home and report symptoms: If you are sick or have symptoms, don’t travel to, host or attend a gathering. Please report any recent positive Covid-19 test results to the Health Center at Auraria using the After Hours Covid-19 Reporting Form.
If we can all follow these guidelines, I’m hopeful we can celebrate even more impressive data and return safely in the New Year.
Health Center at Auraria holiday closures
- The Plaza Building Vaccine and Testing services are closed through Jan. 2.
- The 5th Street Garage Surveillance testing will be closed from Friday through Jan. 2. For after-hours crisis support only, please call 303-615-9911.
Other sites for testing are available from your health care provider and CovidCheckColorado.
Please have a safe, happy, healthy and Covid-free winter break.
Larry Sampler, vice president for Administration