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Students walking on Auraria campus with one student in the center of the frame wearing a mask.
Campus Operations

The latest on Covid-19 and campus operations

Court order removes masking requirement on public transit; Public Health Emergency Leave extended.

Students walking on Auraria campus with one student in the center of the frame wearing a mask.

Dear Roadrunners, 

As a result of a court order Monday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Jan. 29, 2021, Public Health Order requiring masks on public transportation and at transportation hubs is no longer in effect and is not being enforced. The CDC continues to recommend that people wear masks in indoor public-transportation settings. 

Per the same court order, facial coverings are no longer required on Regional Transportation District vehicles or in RTD facilities. In a statement, RTD noted, “While RTD is rescinding its mask requirement, the agency continues to encourage that individuals wear a mask for the health and safety of themselves and others, as the CDC suggests. The use of facial coverings remains one of the most effective means of curbing Covid-19 transmission, and the CDC recommends that individuals wear facial coverings in indoor (public-transportation settings).” 

The CDC announced Wednesday it has asked the Justice Department to appeal the court’s ruling. 

While protocols are shifting quickly in the larger community, please remember that Roadrunners are still expected to: 

Public Health Emergency Leave extended 

The Public Health Emergency Leave under the Healthy Families Workplace Act is still available to employees through July 15. The Biden administration has indicated there will be a 60-day notice period before any end to the PHEL. If the federal government does not extend the PHEL beyond July 15, the PHEL would still be available for four weeks after July 15. MSU Denver will continue to monitor PHEL updates as information becomes available. 

How to access rapid tests 

As a reminder, free Covid-19 rapid tests are available for pickup at most Denver Recreation Centers. Each test kit contains two tests, and residents are eligible to receive up to two free test kits while supplies last.  

Additionally, every home in the U.S. is eligible to order four free at-⁠home tests, containing two tests per box, from the federal government. At-home test kits also are available for purchase on retail websites. 

Testing is also still available for free at the Health Center at Auraria.

Important reminders: 

  • Roadrunners are expected to stay home when feeling ill, whether with Covid-19 or not, to recover and prevent community spread.  
  • Please reference the revamped Covid-19 webpage for health and safety information and guidance.  
  • Please consult the CDC’s Covid-19 Follow-up Dose Calculatorto help you determine when to get boosted to ensure the highest level of protection.   

Should you have any questions or concerns about next steps, please contact [email protected].  

Thank you all for continuing to act in the best interest of our University community.  


Larry Sampler  

Vice president for Administration, Finance and Facilities and chief operating officer  

Roadrunners Safe Return Committee