Dear Roadrunners,
This week, MSU Denver moved to a mask-optional environment for the first time since August. It’s a big change, backed by promising declines in hospitalization rates and new cases. MSU Denver was confident in making this transition not only because of improvements in data but because since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, Roadrunners have acted responsibly and prioritized protecting themselves and one another. The University’s mitigation efforts — including enforcing social distancing, mask-wearing and vaccine and booster requirements; encouraging people to stay home when they are sick; and requiring Daily Health Assessments — have also been incredibly successful.
That said, our campus community still includes people with compromised immune systems and health concerns. Some Roadrunners may still have fear or anxiety about being unmasked, while others welcome the flexibility. Regardless, all Roadrunners are expected to respect one another’s masking decisions. If asked, please mask.
- Masks may still be required in individual classroom settings and other student gatherings after this past Monday at the discretion of the instructor or staff lead. Noncompliance protocol may be utilized as necessary.
- Please be sure to keep a mask handy. Masks are available at the Welcome Desk of the Jordan Student Success Building.
Additionally, MSU Denver is still closely monitoring the pandemic. If conditions change, we will respond accordingly to continue protecting the health of our community.
Vaccine-mandate feedback
The Roadrunners Safe Return Steering Committee is seeking input from stakeholder groups on future Covid-19 immunization protocols with the goal of balancing our mission of providing accessible, enriching education with keeping people safe. All Roadrunners are required to be immunized against Covid-19, including booster when eligible. If you haven’t already, please share any input with your Faculty or Staff Senate liaison and tune in to the President’s Cabinet meeting today at 11 a.m. to hear more on the discussion.
Additional announcements
- Attend today’s meeting of the President’s Cabinet at 11 a.m. for a conversation on the future of the vaccine mandate and how to share your feedback.
- Access free home Covid-19 tests.
- Get your Covid-19 vaccine booster: If you have not already, please get your booster as soon as possible at the Health Center at Auraria or one of more than 1,000 other providers across the state.
- Take the Auraria Higher Education Center safety survey.
- Stay safe online. As cyberattacks among Russia, Ukraine and their allies escalate, MSU Denver’s Information Technology Services ecurity team wants to remind our students, faculty and staff to be vigilant about cybersecurity. Be on the lookout for suspicious emails that may tempt you to click on malicious links or attachments, and for scammers setting up fraudulent fundraising campaigns. When in doubt, reach out to ITS Security for advice.
Thank you for your ongoing commitment to keeping our campus community safe.
Larry Sampler
Vice president for Administration, Finance and Facilities and chief operating officer
Roadrunners Safe Return Committee