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Technically Speaking
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Technically Speaking: improving MSU Denver’s network infrastructure 

Information Technology Services gives updates Network Modernization Initiative to improve connection across campus.

Technically Speaking

Over the past year, Metropolitan State University of Denver’s Information Technology Services has been hard at work modernizing the University’s network environment. This project has been making steady progress, and ITS is prepared to update University stakeholders about these exciting changes.

Phase 1 updates

While initially scheduled for completion by the middle of this year, Phase 1 of this initiative has been revised, primarily due to supply-chain delays in receiving network equipment. It is now expected to be completed by Dec. 31. Additionally, West Classroom has been removed from Phase 1, considering extensive planned renovations to accommodate updated Nursing Simulation facilities. It will be reconsidered for another phase. 

ITS has completed preliminary wiring work for the Jordan Student Success Building and Central Classroom and is in the final planning stages to upgrade and replace wired and wireless network infrastructure throughout these two buildings by the end of the year. A similar upgrade was performed in the Arts Classroom in January, and the resulting improvements to the wireless experience have received resounding praise from students and faculty members. Upgrade work is scheduled in Central Classroom from Nov. 20-23 (during Fall Break) and in the JSSB from Dec. 16-22 (after Fall Final Exam Week). Please note that during the upgrade, wired and wireless networks, as well as phone service, will be unavailable in these buildings for extended periods. If you require network or phone access during these time frames, you may still do so remotely or from another building. 

Redundant fiber extension 

One of this project’s stated goals is to address the lack of redundant network connections in the MSU Denver network. Network redundancy improves network reliability and resilience by addressing single points of failure, ensuring connectivity across campus even if some connections are unavailable. Redundant network paths have successfully been run between campus buildings, and this part of the project is now complete.

Phase 2 planning

As with Phase 1, the project team’s first task with Phase 2 was to determine which buildings would be prioritized in this round of upgrades, based on building occupancy, performance feedback, network complexity and the age and health of existing infrastructure. After review, the Science and Physical Education buildings have been chosen for Phase 2. Equipment counts based on this selection have been finalized, and orders have been placed. Phase 2 is scheduled for completion next summer/fall. 

As a reminder, the Network Modernization Initiative will improve MSU Denver’s network environment by addressing problems with deferred maintenance and outdated network infrastructure. This project will replace edge/access and distribution-layer switches and wireless access points and will provide redundant network paths between campus buildings. These improvements will provide a more robust and stable network environment capable of supporting the University’s evolving needs in a scalable and secure manner.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the ITS Service Desk at 303-352-7548 or