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Overhead view of campus from AES Building rooftop.
Roadrunner Community

Submit Professional Development Conference proposals by Sunday

Employees are invited to present or attend this year’s conference, ‘Empowering a Community of Leaders.’

Overhead view of campus from AES Building rooftop.

The 2022 MSU Denver Professional Development Conference Call for Proposals is open through March 27. 

Extending on last year’s theme of “Caring for Our Community” PDC organizers invite employees to attend this year’s conference, “Empowering a Community of Leaders.” The event will be offered in a hybrid format, allowing presenters and attendees to engage in ways that feel best for them.

Professional Development Conference 

May 25 

MSU Denver employees are encouraged to share their expertise on topics related to this year’s theme. The committee welcomes presentation proposals on empowering subjects, including (but not limited to):  

  • Personal Growth (communicating with confidence, risk taking, self-care)  
  • Group Dynamics (networking, building and empowering teams)  
  • Inclusive Leadership (becoming a change agent from where you serve)  
  • Campus Engagement (personal and professional growth from the classroom to the community)  

Prospective presenters can consider one of the following presentation formats:   

Workshop: 60-minute hybrid session where presenters may opt to deliver information lecture- style or through audience participation and small group activities, etc. Technology will be made available for presentation purposes and to create a hybrid environment for potential participants.   

Poster display: Posters will be displayed along the second floor of Jordan Student Success Building throughout the day of the PDC. Presenters must supply poster and materials and display contact information.  

The call for proposals will remain open through March 27 on the PDC website.