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Aerial view of Jordan Student Success Building.
Campus Operations

Stay prepared for emergencies with these resources and tips

Learn how to update RAVE contact info, add emergency contact and where to find updated information.

Aerial view of Jordan Student Success Building.

Friday’s threat to the Colorado Community College System and the resulting temporary closure of the Auraria Campus are good reminders of the importance of being prepared for emergencies.  

While the Auraria Campus Police Department determined that Friday’s threats were not credible and campus was safe from an active threat, here are things you can do to prepare for future emergencies: 

  • Make sure RAVE contact info is up to date.  
  • Ensure that emergency contact information is up to date through the Employee Services Menu on the Faculty and Staff Hub and select Personal Information. 
  • Ensure that your office maintains an updated list of employee contact information and on-campus/remote-work days. 
  • Bookmark the University’s Emergency Communications webpage and share only official, validated information.  
  • Watch for information this week on how to develop or update a Departmental Emergency Procedures Plan.

As a reminder, the Counseling Center offers services to Metropolitan State University of Denver students free of charge. Faculty and staff members can be seen for a one-session consultation/referral.  

Center staff are on call 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to assist with crises at 303-615-9988. If you need crisis assistance after 5 p.m. or on weekends, please call the center’s crisis number at 303-615-9911.