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Audience clapping outside in red shirts
Workplace Experience

Save the date for Convocation 

Join fellow Roadrunners for an evening of fun activities, free food and giveaways to welcome new students to the flock.

Audience clapping outside in red shirts

Mark your calendars for Convocation: Roadrunner Rally! The Aug. 18 event is the official welcome for all new and returning students and marks the beginning of a new academic year. Friends, family members and Metropolitan State University of Denver supporters are invited to attend. 

The evening will include fun activities, free food, giveaways, opportunities to meet other Roadrunners and the Convocation Resource Fair.

Additionally, Roadrunners who attend will receive the latest and greatest MSU Denver swag.

Convocation schedule 

  • 4:30 p.m.: Check-in 
  • 5 p.m.: Ceremony including remarks by President Janine Davidson, Ph.D., and keynote speaker. 
  • 5-7 p.m.: Enjoy food, outdoor activities and a resource fair.  

For more information, please visit or contact [email protected]