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Colfax Team graphic for marathon
Roadrunner Community

Run with us!

Register today to support student success during Colfax Marathon Weekend.

Colfax Team graphic for marathon

Lace up your sneakers and grab your water bottle because it’s time to join the race and start training for Colfax Marathon Weekend on May 14-15. 

An official charity partner since 2018, the Metropolitan State University of Denver Colfax Marathon Team, made up of more than 150 volunteers and runners, has raised close to $5,000 for the Student Emergency Fund. These efforts make it possible for students dealing with unanticipated financial struggles to persist in pursuing their goal of earning a degree at MSU Denver. 

You can join the team this year by: 

  •  Choosing MSU Denver as your charity of choice from the drop-down menu when registering for a race (Marathon, Half-Marathon, Urban 10-Miler, Relay or 5K). All registered runners who select the University as their charity will receive a custom MSU Denver Dri-Fit T-shirt.
  • Volunteering to staff the MSU Denver water station or table at Charity Partner Village. All volunteers will receive an MSU Denver hat and water bottle.
  • Heading over to the Colfax Marathon Charity Partner Program page and picking up some Rowdy MSU Denver gear by making a gift to the Student Emergency Fund.

Do you have a dog joining you during the 5K? Email us at [email protected] to request an MSU Denver doggy bandanna so your pup can show their Roadrunner pride out on the course. 

Register soon — preseason pricing ends March 9 at 11:59 p.m. Contact Regan Wells, Alumni Relations coordinator, for more information.