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Faculty Citings
Awards and Achievements

Reminder: Send your citings to the Early Bird

If you, your colleagues or your students have been recently published, share the good news.

Faculty Citings

Metropolitan State University of Denver faculty members, administrators, staff members, students and alumni constantly make a difference in our community and beyond. 

Each month, the Early Bird publishes a list of Roadrunners’ publications and presentations in Faculty Citings. 

The Early Bird invites your help in celebrating those adding to the vibrancy of our campus community.

How to submit

  • Navigate to the Service Request Form and select “Share your story: Early Bird and/or RED.”
  • Fill in your contact information and all details regarding your recently published material in the “Project/Story/Issue Description and Goals” section, including:
    • The name of your paper or presentation
    • The name of the book, journal or conference at which it was presented
  • Be sure to share any relevant links or attachments that could be helpful. 

Thank you for all your hard work, and the Early Bird looks forward to giving you a much-deserved round of applause.