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Undocumented x unafraid
Roadrunner Community

Participate in the DACA Teach-in

Join MSU Denver experts Nov. 29 to discuss the important impacts of the policy and its future.

Undocumented x unafraid

The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program plays a vital role in the Metropolitan State University of Denver community, and MSU Denver currently educates approximately 400 DACA-recipient students. As the future of the program has become more uncertain, MSU Denver is ramping up its longstanding efforts to support Dreamers through an expert-led discussion on the policy and its role in our community and society.

DACA Teach-in  

Nov. 29
9 a.m.-noon
MSU Denver CAVEA Theater, Jordan Student Success Building Room 420

A virtual option is available here, but please continue to RSVP.

MSU Denver’s community of scholars will take a holistic look at the DACA program and related immigration policy. The University will foster fact-based free inquiry through expert discussion on the history, law and economic, educational and societal impacts of the policy and its future.    

The morning will kick off with the significance of the policy and importance of the discussion before delving into an exploration of the history, culture and role immigrants play in building and maintaining communities, nations and national identities. A review of immigration law will focus on the impact of national/state/local immigration policies on Denver. While a look at the economic and business costs of a DACA repeal will touch on gross domestic product, productivity, tax revenues and even crime rates. The morning will wrap with an overview of the supports available for DACA recipients and the opportunity to hear directly from Dreamers themselves.

MSU Denver’s Dreamer Zone website curates important information and resources for undocumented students, while the UndocuHub provides community resources for undocumented immigrants.