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Roadrunner Community

Arrivals and Departures: Oct. 2023

Welcome to new employees, and farewell to those moving on to new opportunities.

Arrivals and New Positions:

Alena Clark, adjunct, Nutrition 

Arick Pineda, academic advisor I, College of Health and Human Sciences 

Aurora Gabow, executive assistant to the dean, College of Health and Human Sciences 

Azariah Bello, accessibility coordinator, Access Center 

Bradley Martinez, interim systems and operations manager, Cybersecurity Center 

Chelsea Campbell, adjunct, Chemistry 

Edwardo Gomez, visit coordinator, Admissions 

Elliott Evans, adjunct, Computer Science 

Emily Dodson, lecturer of Secondary Education, Alternative Licensure Program 

Ernest Heyman, adjunct, Human Performance and Sport 

Gylton Matta, adjunct, Secondary Education 

Hossein Zarrini, adjunct, Mathematics and Statistics 

Joey Gargaro, executive assistant to the president, Office of the President 

Juhee Kumar, student-success coach, Classroom to Career Hub 

Kaily Naomi Meek, adjunct, Biology 

Karen Strunk Riley, adjunct, Biology 

Katie Bailey, adjunct, Anthropology 

Michael Lin, adjunct, Health Care Management 

Peter Dreifuss, Recruitment and Retention specialist, College of Business 

Samuel Barber, academic advisor I, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences 

Sarah Fleischmann, adjunct, Aviation and Aerospace Science 

Susan Ramsey, adjunct, Computer Science 

Susan Upton, project manager, Facilities Planning, Design and Construction 

Suzanne St. Lawrence, office manager and student-employee supervisor, Office of the President  

Sydney Drummond, adjunct, English 

Taylor Christine Montgomery, scholar advisor and project specialist, TRIO Programs 

Xochitl Romero, adjunct, Chicana/o Studies


Jesse Aerni, assistant director of operations, Advancement Services 

Sophia Tran, manager of strategic projects, Office of Strategy 

Suhad Salah, academic advisor, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences 

Thanh Nguyen, assistant dean and director, Center for Multicultural Engagement and Inclusion 

Thomas Ragland, associate dean of Student Accountability and Care, Student Life Office 

Elizabeth Chaney, manager of partnerships and special projects, Student Affairs 

De Regan, interim employment coordinator, Office of Education Solutions 

Alicia Carrington, assistant director of Event Marketing and Communications, Office of University Events  

Doug Haugh, assistant strength-and-conditioning coach, Intercollegiate Athletics 

Nancy Price, adjunct, Nursing