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A split image of a close-up of hands during meditation on the left and the JSSB exterior on the right.
Campus Operations

New reflection space promotes greater inclusion

Room 210 in the Jordan Student Success Building has been designated for Roadrunners to practice their faith traditions.

A split image of a close-up of hands during meditation on the left and the JSSB exterior on the right.

Room 210 in the Jordan Student Success Building has been designated for students, faculty members and staff members practice their faith traditions in a quiet and inclusive space. The project aims to better support Metropolitan State University of Denver’s diverse community and was made possible by the CARE Team, the Center for Multicultural Engagement and Inclusion and the Center for Equity and Student Achievement.  

To access the space, members of the MSU Denver community can check out a key card from the Tutoring Office front desk, across from the elevators on the second floor of the JSSB. Students seeking additional resources can contact the MSU Denver CARE Team or the Center for Equity and Student Achievement

MSU Denver is proud to expand the Auraria Campus’ inclusive spaces and encourages Roadrunners to identify reflection spaces around campus using the Campus Map filter.