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New leadership development tool is planned for Workday Phase II

The leadership competency framework helps employees lead at all levels and pursue their career path.

Key takeaways

  • A leadership competency framework will be incorporated into the performance-evaluation process as part of Workday Phase II. 
  • This framework is a set of defined leadership skills, behaviors and capabilities to help all employees achieve success. 
  • It will be piloted throughout the year, and employee feedback is requested as the draft is finalized.  
  • This framework will be visible in this year’s performance reviews but will not impact ratings and/or overall performance reviews. 

WorkdayAs Phase II of the Workday implementation continues, work to optimize Metropolitan State University of Denver’s talent strategies moves forward with a focus on performance management.  

To innovate and improve the performance-management process for staff, a leadership competency framework will be incorporated into the University’s performance-evaluation process as part of the Workday Phase II plan. This leadership development tool will better align performance-management practices to MSU Denver’s 2030 Strategic Plan goals and support employees leading at all levels.

What is a leadership competency framework? 

A leadership competency framework is a set of defined leadership skills, behaviors and capabilities that are directly tied to MSU Denver’s success. It outlines clear expectations so employees can realize greater performance, and it can also serve as a guide for employees to achieve professional growth to positively impact their teams and students.  

At MSU Denver, we believe that all employees are leaders. Whether leadership means career progression or leading within an employee’s current role, the leadership-competency framework can help employees lead at all levels and achieve success. 

The concept of “leading at all levels” applies to all employees, whether an employee is a supervisor or not. Employees, regardless of title, demonstrate leadership qualities every day within their individual roles. All roles at MSU Denver require and will benefit from knowing what leadership looks like and how to successfully demonstrate the skills, behaviors and capabilities needed to succeed within each role.  

Why is it important? 

A leadership competency framework can help employees align their annual performance goals, leadership skills and behaviors with their department’s goals and performance. It can help supervisors recognize and evaluate how employees are leading within their teams. It can also help answer the question: “What does it look like to lead at all levels?” 

How will it affect performance evaluations this year (2022-23)? 

As the initial draft of the leadership competency framework is being created, employees will be able to view it in this year’s evaluations, but employees will not be impacted by it this performance-review period. It will not affect 2022-23 performance evaluations. The leadership competency framework will be piloted over the coming year and during the 2024-25 performance-evaluation season.  

IMPORTANT: No action on the leadership competency framework is needed this year. 

Because the Workday Phase II implementation will continue throughout summer, including the build-out of the performance-management sections in Workday, administrative staff members conducting performance evaluations in Workday this year will see the draft leadership competency framework incorporated. No action is needed. This leadership competency framework section can be bypassed this year. It will NOT impact ratings and/or overall performance reviews. 

Timeline and outreach 

Human Resources has identified key subject-matter experts and is working cross-collaboratively to make the leadership competency framework user-friendly. Further collaboration and outreach are planned to include Universitywide feedback.  

Employees interested in providing feedback can fill out the Leadership Competency Framework feedback survey. The survey will be open until June 30. 

Employees are encouraged to share their feedback and review the Performance Management website for resources, information and answers to frequently asked questions about the leadership competency framework. And in case you missed it, see this Early Bird article about Phase II performance-management important dates and news

For more Workday Phase II news and updates, stay tuned to the Early Bird and visit the MSU Denver Workday website