Auraria Campus leaders are seeking feedback as they plan to construct a new public-safety building that will house a much-needed new space for the Auraria Campus Police Department as well as classrooms and other educational spaces focused on safety programming and training.
In addition to expanded facilities for ACPD, the three-story, 33,500-square-foot building, to be constructed with state funds, may also include:
- Classrooms for use by campus Criminal Justice programs.
- A 24/7, student-oriented center with vending machines and study spaces.
- Administrative areas with conference rooms, workstations and huddle spaces.
- Dedicated spaces for safety programming and training, including labs for regional officer training and student-focused programs.
The goal is to provide a single space for education and campus engagement, along with the proposed building’s public-safety function, said Devra Ashby, Auraria Campus director of Communications and Marketing. She added that Auraria leaders hope to begin construction on the building, to be located between the Fir and Holly parking lots off Curtis Street, this summer or in early fall.
The plans reflect the Auraria community’s commitment to campus safety and incorporate findings and recommendations of the Community Influenced Public Safety Project Report. The 2022 report utilized results of a campuswide survey conducted that year. Metropolitan State University of Denver students, faculty members and staff members contributed 130 completed surveys to the report and participated in nearly 460 public-safety discussions with its authors.
But the project’s planners aren’t finished listening to opinions and gathering ideas, Ashby said. A pair of town halls this month will provide the Auraria community, including MSU Denver students, faculty and staff, with yet another chance to weigh in on the project.
AHEC to host town halls
Metropolitan State University of Denver students, faculty members and staff members are invited to weigh in on the design and makeup of the planned new Auraria Campus building that will house ACPD and educational spaces.
Two town halls this month will provide the campus community with an opportunity to hear more about the planned center, as well as offer comments and suggestions. The town halls will be:
- Jan. 22, 1-2 p.m.
- Jan. 30, noon-1p.m.
Both will be in the Tivoli Student Union, Baerresen Ballroom, Room 320, and available via Zoom. Free pizza will be offered at both events.
Ashby said ACPD’s current facility, a 7,500-square-foot converted hallway in the Auraria Administration Building, isn’t big enough for the department’s needs, including a call center, administrative offices, holding facilities and equipment storage.
A new, larger facility designed for security will enhance the privacy of victims and improve overall building security, she said.