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Students walk along snowy pathways on a college campus with a stone chapel and tall skyscrapers in the background on a sunny winter day.
Supporting Students

Biennial report on student alcohol and drug prevention now available

The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act report highlights educational initiatives, recovery resources and campus programs designed to support student wellness.

Students walk along snowy pathways on a college campus with a stone chapel and tall skyscrapers in the background on a sunny winter day.

Metropolitan State University of Denver’s 2022-24 Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Biennial Review is now available. The report highlights the University’s ongoing efforts to reduce alcohol and drug misuse through education, prevention and recovery programs. 

As part of its responsibilities under the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, MSU Denver joins most institutions of higher education under the jurisdiction of the federal Department of Education in maintaining a commitment to this reporting.  

The report includes data from the Health Center at Auraria on alcohol and drug use among students, as well as insights into trends and challenges related to substance use on the Auraria Campus. It also outlines educational initiatives, recovery resources and campus programs designed to support student wellness and create a healthier learning environment. 

Key campus goals are also included in the report.