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Preparing for Workday launch.
Campus Operations

Managing student employees during the Workday transition

Workday will automatically increase student employees’ hourly wage rate to reflect Denver’s new minimum wage.

Preparing for Workday launch.

With the Workday launch right around the corner, here’s how the 2023 minimum–wage increase will be managed for student employees and what supervisors need to know about hiring students for the spring semester. 

2023 minimum-wage increase for continuing student employees 

Effective Jan. 1, Denver’s minimum wage will jump to $17.29 per hour. No action is needed to initiate the minimum-wage increase.  

Employee data will be migrated from Banner to Workday prior to the new system going live, and with this transition, any hourly employee who is at the minimum-wage pay rate will automatically be bumped to $17.29 per hour. This increase will be reflected in the student employee’s first 2023 paycheck. 

Temporary hourly employees who are at or below the current minimum-wage rate will also be updated to reflect the new minimum wage of $17.29 per hour. 

  • For continuing student employees only: The ePAF that was submitted prior to hiring the student employee for the fall semester does not expire and will carry through 2023. Supervisors of student employees do not need to submit any new documentation.  

NOTE: A continuing student employee is identified as a student employee who is working during the fall semester and will continue to work in the spring semester.  

Changing rate of pay for continuing student employees  

Supervisors should wait until after the Workday system has launched in January to initiate a pay-rate change for a student employee. By waiting until after the new year, all hourly employees will have been set to the new minimum wage of $17.29 and the 2023 pay matrix will be in place.  

  • Initiating a pay-rate change (i.e., pay raise) is different from the minimum-wage increase that is set to occur Jan. 1. 
  • As part of the Workday training plan, there will be additional communication and training for supervisors seeking a pay-rate change for their student employee above the minimum-wage increase.  

Hiring new student employees for the current semester

Any new employee positions posted and hired for the current semester must be onboarded by Nov. 30. There will be no student–employee orientations in December. This will allow the Student Employment Team to continue migrating student–employment data from Banner to Workday. Hiring for new student employees will resume in January after the Workday system has launched. 

Hiring new student employees for the spring semester

As a result of PeopleAdmin phasing out this month, supervisors who need to hire student employees for the spring semester should submit their job requisition, currently referred to as a job posting, by Oct. 31 and follow the standard student-employee hiring process here.

Student-employee requisitions initiated prior to Oct. 31 will continue to be managed through PeopleAdmin and will be processed in November. The Student Employment Team will attempt to close as many as possible before year-end.  

If you have any other questions about student employment, please contact the Student Employment Team here.

For information about Workday, please visit the Workday website.