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Leadership and Governance

Last call: Today is the final day to take the Staff Senate restructuring survey

Take 10 minutes to review the proposal and offer feedback on the future of unit representation.

Today is the final day to take the Staff Senate restructuring survey sent out Aug. 22 by Ruby Matheny, Staff Senate president.   

The survey will provide feedback to the Staff Senate on the angles of representation for staff members by their units and by their work functions. Currently, the Staff Senate’s structure represents staff members only by their unit (branch/college/school/division) and at-large. The proposal would expand this representation to functional work areas that are relevant to staff members across multiple units.

Feedback from staff members is critical in helping the Staff Senate ensure that it is putting forth a proposal that staff members support and that improves the functional representation of staff members.  

Reviewing the proposal and responding to the survey should take less than 10 minutes, but staff members have unlimited time if they wish to provide detailed feedback.  

While results of the survey will not be explicitly shared, staff members can trust that staff senators will take survey results into account ahead of Tuesday’s vote.