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Is your department hosting a youth summer camp?

Submit event information by May 1 so the University can help promote these great opportunities.

Summer is just around the corner, and Metropolitan State University of Denver academic and athletic programs will spend the summer term hosting camps and activities for local youth. If your team or department is hosting summer programming, please share the details and information so the University can help amplify and promote these great opportunities. For Early Bird promotion, submissions must be completed by May 1.

Camps can be submitted through the link below and “Share your story: Early Bird and/or RED” should be selected.

Once submitted, you should be able to find your camp and others here.

Please ensure that all details are confirmed, including:

  • Dates and times 
  • Camp location(s) 
  • Appropriate age/grade level 
  • Cost 
  • Sample activities, curricula and learning objectives 
  • Point of contact for more information 
  • Any other helpful information

Information provided will also be shared on the revamped Summer Camps page within the University website.