Rachel Gonzales, a beloved member of the Metropolitan State University of Denver community, passed away unexpectedly Sept. 9. She held a work-study position in the Cashier’s Office for three years while earning her degree in Criminal Justice and Criminology. After graduating in spring 2017, she was hired full time in the Office of the Bursar, most recently as a student account specialist, where she made valued contributions.
Known for her electric smile and calm demeanor, Gonzales radiated kindness and lifted others up when they were having a difficult time. “On my first day of work, Rachel was so welcoming,” said Senior Cashier Specialist Maria Olivas. “I remember going home that night and telling my family about the girl with the beautiful smile. She lit up the room. Rachel became my best friend.”

At work, Gonzales was an integral team member. Her manager, Bursar Mike McCabe, was preparing to promote her before her passing. “The last year was professionally challenging for me, and Rachel always did whatever she could to support and help lighten my workload,” said McCabe. “No matter what kind of day I was having, I could count on Rachel to bring joy to the office.”
Gonzales loved her family, friends, boyfriend Omar and dogs, as well as movies and working at MSU Denver. She will be missed deeply.