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Workplace Experience helps faculty experiment with social annotation

Join the virtual faculty panel Feb. 21 to see featured MSU Denver faculty members and learn about this tool.

If you’re looking for additional ways to help students engage in course readings, social annotation is an option worth looking into. 

Social annotation is a process of collaboratively marking up texts in a digital learning space to read and think about a text together. Metropolitan State University of Denver uses the tool for social annotation, which enables a group of readers to use one master document to take notes, highlight areas of interest, pose and respond to questions, post relevant supplemental material and hold conversations in the margins of a text. was used in over 150 courses at MSU Denver this past fall. faculty panel

Join our virtual faculty panel and introduction to see how social annotation is being used in courses across disciplines at MSU Denver.  

When: Feb. 21, 2-3 p.m. 

Sign up here. 

Panelists include: 

  • Christy Carello, Biology 
  • Michele Clark, Management 
  • Wendy Gallagher, Spanish 

Faculty members will share how they use social annotation in their courses, with time for questions and a discussion. The last 15 minutes will include a walk-through demonstration of this tool. 

MSU Denver faculty members featured using

  • Sonny Dhoot is featured in a success-story interview. 
  • Emily Ragan is featured in a “Liquid Margins Podcast” episode: “Annotating the Future: Reimagining STEM Education.” 
  • Arlene Sgouta has a syllabus-annotation assignment featured in the Resource Collection

Resources for

How to use 

Resources for social annotation 

The resources for social annotation page will help you get up and running with in no time. From assignments and interviews to case studies and best practices, has everything faculty members will need to make the most of social annotation.  

Annotation starter assignments 

Check out these annotation assignment instructions that are ready to use or adapt in courses, including assignments for syllabus annotation, STEM texts, group work, academic articles, syllabus annotation and more.