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A sign for free COVID-19 vaccines and testing at the Health center at Auraria.
Campus Operations

Heed precautions as Denver moves to high Covid-19 risk level

Get your booster, get tested and consider masking indoors.

A sign for free COVID-19 vaccines and testing at the Health center at Auraria.

Dear Roadrunners,

The City and County of Denver is now an area of high transmission of the novel coronavirus, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The latest data from the CDC showed that Denver reported 350.1 cases and 11.3 new hospitalizations for Covid-19 per 100,000 people, just above the 10-per-100,000 threshold. As of Thursday, these numbers moved Denver to the high-risk level for community transmission.

Why you should take precaution:

  1. The reported numbers cited above are almost certainly low, as many people do not report positive results when home testing.
  2. The number of cases matters a lot to people who are at higher risk of serious complications from the virus.

For example, if only 10 people in the community have Covid-19 at some point in time, the odds of an immuno-compromised person coming into contact with someone who is Covid-positive are low; however, if 10,000 people in the community are positive, that person is at a significantly greater risk of exposure.

With this rise and these consequences in mind we must stay diligent in safeguarding our health and that of those around us. Please:

  • Stay up to date with Covid-19 vaccines.
  • Get your second boosterwhen eligible, for free at the Health Center at Auraria. Eligibility includes those who are 50 and over or are immunosuppressed with at least four months having passed since their last booster.
  • If you have symptoms stay home and get tested at the Health Center at Auraria or the many free communitypharmacy and at-home testing options. Please review the Healthy Families Workplace Act for more information on leave related to a declared public health emergency.
  • Consider wearing a mask indoors in public. Be kind to others and wear a mask, if asked. Individual masks are available at the Jordan Student Success Building Welcome Desk and you can request larger quantities for your office by emailing [email protected].
  • Self-assess symptoms before and after travel. Check your health insurance before international trips to ensure you have the coverage you need during your travels.

As a healthcare setting, face coverings will be required for all staff members, patients, volunteers, and visitors inside the Health Center at Auraria, per state public health order. Masks are not currently required in other parts of campus, but are recommended indoors. 
The good news is Covid-19 hospitalizations and cases are now rising less steeply than in recent weeks and do not appear to be rising at a level that would overwhelm the health care system. We must, however, continue to be mindful, vigilant and courteous of those around us.  
Thank you for your support, perseverance and collaboration.


Larry Sampler 
Vice president for Administration, Finance and Facilities and Chief Operating Officer