As you may have heard, Workday is coming. Metropolitan State University of Denver is going live with Workday in early 2023, transitioning many of the University’s human-resources and finance-business processes from the legacy Banner system. By implementing Workday, MSU Denver will transform how it delivers essential business services and provide seamless end-to-end experiences for employees.
Why is MSU Denver making this change?
Moving to Workday will simplify how work gets done, but there are many more reasons. For example, Workday will:
- Streamline and modernize the University’s systems and processes while making employee data more easily accessible than ever before.
- Allow all employees to view their job-related information and customize their personal data, such as preferred name and gender identity.
- Eliminate the need to access multiple systems to get the data many employees use to perform their job duties.
- Provide easy access to hundreds of standard reports.
- Allow for extensive self-service functionality from any digital workspace.
Because Workday is a comprehensive human-resources and financial-management system, it will bring together much functionality into a single, inclusive, user-friendly system. Workday will also put the power of access and information into your hands, empowering us all to make more timely and strategic decisions.
What is the project timeline?
Behind the scenes, a dedicated group of MSU Denver employees known as the Workday Project Team is diligently working to ensure a smooth and successful transition to Workday. Over the past year, they have been planning and analyzing every detail to make sure the MSU Denver Workday system is prototyped and configured appropriately to meet the needs of our organization. Check out this high-level Workday project timeline to get a sense of the project scope.

In tandem with the Project Team, a Workday Change Agent Network has been created to help with awareness of and engagement in the Workday project. The Change Agent Network is a group of 40 MSU Denver employees from all parts of the University formed to help champion communication, engagement efforts, training and overall strategy for a successful Workday implementation and positive end-user awareness and adoption. A Change Agent for every functional area has been identified to ensure broad support and two-way communication relating to the Workday project.
How can employees learn more?
As the Workday project progresses, relevant information will be shared in the Early Bird to keep employees up to date on Workday happenings. Workday Change Agents will also become more active. Workday information can also be found on the Workday webpage and the Workday Transformation Team in Microsoft Teams.
Stay tuned for more information about the Workday project, including the benefits of using Workday, upcoming events and training plans.