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Entrance to the JSSB.
Roadrunner Community

Events Roundup

Ponder extraterrestrial intelligence, celebrate black women entrepreneurs, support Roadrunner student-athletes and more.

Entrance to the JSSB.

Staff Senate meeting

Tuesday, 10 a.m. 

Jordan Student Success Building, Room 400 

Tune in via Teams. 

All staff members and student employees are invited to participate in shared governance through Tuesday’s Staff Senate meeting. The meeting will cover presidential priorities, a demonstration of communication channels using SharePoint and community announcements. Noncommittee members must tune in virtually. 


Thursday, 12:12-4:44 p.m. 

Tivoli, Room 320s 

RSVP today. 

Celebrate Black women’s entrepreneurship by shopping at the event pop-up shop and attending an in-person panel discussion featuring local entrepreneurs and business owners. 

Pop-up shop 12:12-4:44 p.m. 

Panel 1:11-2:22 p.m. 

Fermi’s paradox and human nature

April 25, 3:30 p.m. 

Jordan Student Success Building, Room 420 

Join a panel of interdisciplinary experts at this Denver Project for Humanistic Inquiry event to dissect the question “Are we alone in the universe?” Experts from Metropolitan State University of Denver, the University of Colorado Boulder and the Denver Museum of Nature & Science will address the philosophical and scientific implications for human life on Earth and ponder the idea of extraterrestrial intelligence. Watch the D-phi website for more details. 

Roadrunners Athletics Scholarship Dinner and Auction

June 3, 7 p.m. 

Tivoli Student Union Turnhalle 

Purchase your ticket.  

Support Roadrunner student-athletes through MSU Denver’s annual Roadrunners Athletics Scholarship Dinner and Auction. Doors open and the silent auction begins at 5:30 p.m., with a dinner to follow at 7 p.m. Tiered pricing is available for individual seats, and table sponsorship is available. Faculty and staff members qualify for a discounted $100 admission if purchased by May 6. Face coverings are optional, but attendees are required to be vaccinated and boosted. Guests will also be asked to complete a health assessment before visiting campus. More health-protocol information can be found here. Get your tickets today and support MSU Denver’s outstanding student-athletes.  
