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Students walk on campus
Supporting Students

Encourage freshmen and seniors to fill out National Survey of Student Engagement

The survey is critical for helping MSU Denver’s development of high-impact practices and to measure student engagement.

Students walk on campus

Every two years, Metropolitan State University of Denver’s Undergraduate Studies asks freshman and senior students to take part in the National Survey of Student Engagement. It is a great opportunity for students to let the University know how they have been engaged, what they have learned and what is and isn’t working for them. 

Because students can be constantly overwhelmed with paperwork and forms, it’s easy for them to skip this one, but MSU Denver hopes to change that. The NSSE is a key tool to help improve the student experience. It measures not only the time and effort students dedicate to academic development but also how successfully they’re engaging with campus resources, activities and development opportunities. The data gathered highlight areas of student-engagement success and opportunity, helping the University develop high-impact practices and increase student engagement. 

Helping Rowdy’s Corner 

For recent iterations of the NSSE, MSU Denver has provided an incentive with an impact: For every survey completed, Academic Affairs donates $2 to Rowdy’s Corner to support students experiencing food insecurity. Over the past few years, this has meant a cumulative donation of nearly $4,500 and an increase in response rate from 8% to 11% of all freshmen between 2015 and 2021, and a rise from 13% to 20% of all seniors in the same period. 

How faculty and staff members can help 

To increase participation in this important survey, MSU Denver asks every faculty and staff member to find at least two ways to encourage students to complete their surveys. Some suggestions: 

  • Remind students during class that they should have received a link to the survey if they are freshmen or seniors (zero-30 or 90-120 credits) and discuss why the survey is important. 
  • Remind students you see outside of class, during office hours or advising appointments, in a student organization or at an event.  
  • Talk to student staff members who work in your department office or at another office you interact with frequently. 
  • Post a note on the signature line of your email. 
  • Post a message on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook if you have social-media platforms that students follow. 


The first message about the NSSE hit students’ inboxes March 1 with a personalized survey link. They will receive four reminders over the next two months until they complete the survey. The last message will go out April 18, and the survey closes May 14. There will also be individualized messages in Canvas in mid-April for students who have not yet completed their survey.  

Best way to complete 

It will be simplest to suggest that students search their inboxes for emails from the NSSE or look for a message from Undergraduate Studies in their Canvas messages because those messages will have personalized links. If a student can’t find any messages, though, they can go directly to the NSSE website and access the survey.  

Students and faculty members can also contact Shayla Bischoff with questions or concerns.