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Roadrunner Community

Countdown to Commencement is on!

Day-of tips for employees with on-site volunteer roles, and important info to share with graduates.

Three Rowdy cheers for all Metropolitan State University of Denver’s soon-to-be graduates — and for all employees who have volunteered to serve as marshals for the 2023 Fall Commencement ceremonies.   

As a reminder, employees who do not have assigned on-site roles are encouraged to support graduates by:  

Watch the ceremonies online

Watching the ceremonies here.

Morning Ceremony at 9:30 a.m. 

  • College of Business
    College of Health and Human Sciences (formerly College of Health and Applied Sciences)
    College of Aerospace, Computing, Engineering and Design (formerly College of Health and Applied Sciences)

Afternoon Ceremony at 2:30 P.m. 

  • College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
    School of Education
    School of Hospitality 

Sending shoutouts and well wishes via social media.

Volunteering for future ceremonies.

Referring graduates with questions to the comprehensive Commencement website.