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Colorado Rockies 50/50 raffle volunteers at Coors Field
Roadrunner Community

Colorado Rockies 50/50 Raffle is a home run

Roadrunners raised more than $143,000 for MSU Denver during the baseball season.

Colorado Rockies 50/50 raffle volunteers at Coors Field

The Colorado Rockies 50/50 Raffle knocked it out of the park during the 2022 Major League Baseball season. This year, 956 volunteers helped raise over $143,000 for Metropolitan State University of Denver students and programs.

Stats and highlights include: 

  • Number of participating campus partners: 40.  
  • Largest jackpot of the season: $126,101 in April 2022; the raffle winner took home over $63,000. 
  • Top student volunteers: Jenna Crockett and Justyne Anderson each worked 10 games, raising $2,500 for the MSU Denver Dance Team.   
  • Top faculty/staff volunteer: Andy Thangasamy, Ph.D., Political Science, worked 23 games, raising $2,875 for 10 scholarships and programs.  
  • Top Roadrunners Athletics program: MSU Denver Baseball raised $16,875 with 135 volunteers.  
  • Top club sports: The MSU Denver Club Cheerleading team raised $6,200 with 49 volunteers. 

The hard work of Roadrunners made the 2022 Colorado Rockies 50/50 Raffle a success, helping to ensure that Roadrunners have access to the resources they need to rise. 

For more information about the Colorado Rockies 50/50 Raffle, contact Regan Wells, Alumni Engagement coordinator. 

Collage of two smiling group photos