Metropolitan State University of Denver has announced it is replacing the current Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act release form with Banner Proxy Management.
The Office of the Registrar will contact students via email Nov. 1 with a current FERPA release and instructions on creating a proxy. All current FERPA releases will expire Dec. 1.
Granting a proxy
In addition to MSU Denver students viewing their Student Hub account, they can grant access to others to view the information with proxy access. By granting proxy access, the student permits MSU Denver to share the selected information with a designated individual. This permission is necessary to comply with FERPA.
The student controls the proxy/student relationship. The student can create proxy user accounts and assign access to specific pages within the Student Hub. Proxy users can potentially view items such as unofficial transcripts, schedules, holds and registration status, degree audits, grades, account summaries and financial-aid awards. The view will look identical to what the student sees. The student can reset a proxy account and can also choose to stop proxy access to their information.
Once designated, the proxy will receive an email that explains the authorization, information they are allowed to view and instructions for accessing the information. If the student chooses to end the proxy relationship, the proxy will receive an email and the ability to view or discuss records will cease.
Please contact the Office of the Registrar with questions regarding Proxy Management.