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Award-winning paper on how Americans buy homes among the latest Faculty Citings

Faculty-publication highlights also include presentations at 76th annual Foreign Language Conference.

Metropolitan State University of Denver faculty members publish research in some of the world’s most prestigious academic journals and share their knowledge at conferences around the globe. 

Congratulations to recently published educators

Amanda Albright and Julia Arciero, both of Indiana University — Purdue University Indianapolis; Alice Verticchio, Brent Siesky and Alon Harris, all of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; and Brendan C. Fry, Ph.D., associate professor of Mathematics and Statistics. 

Article published in the Mathematical Biosciences. 

“Metabolic blood flow regulation in a hybrid model of the human retinal microcirculation.” 

Gina Cook, assistant professor of International Business; Petr Kral and Kveta Olsamova. 

Paper accepted for publication in spring 2023 Journal of Business Leadership. 

“Czech Airlines: Going to Crash or Finally Take-Off? A Case Study.” 

Lynn Hoffman, Ph.D., professor of Management; Sally Baalbaki Yassine, Ph.D., professor of Marketing; and Debbie Gilliard, Ph.D., chair and professor of Management. 

Paper that received the Best Case Studies Paper award at the 2023 Western Decision Science Institute Conference. 

“Zillow Group Inc.: Changing the Way Americans Buy Homes”  

Graham Ignizio, Ph.D., professor of Spanish and Presidential Faculty Fellow. 


La cuentista cubana: Healing Powers of the Female Storyteller in Chantel Acevedo’s Love and Ghost Letter and The Distant Marvels.” Label Me Latina/o, Vol. 13, 2023, pp. 1-10.  


Meredith Jeffers, Ph.D., associate professor of Spanish and faculty trustee  

Presentation at 2023 Modern Language Association Annual Convention. 

“Public Humanities as Agents of Change.” 

Lunden MacDonald, Ph.D., professor of Spanish. 

Presentation at the Congreso Internacional de Literatura y Estudios Hispánicos. 

“Making His Bed: The Paradoxical Impact of the Residencia de Estudiantes on the Life and Death of Federico García Lorca.” 

Cristina Míguez Cruz, Ph.D., professor of Spanish. 

Presentation at the 76th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. 

Animación en Latinoamérica: el patito feo del cine es un lindo cisne.” 

María Rey-López, Ph.D., professor of Spanish. 

Presentation at the 76th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference 

Pantallas, cajas o la en/demarcación del espacio en el poemario Pantallas de Celia Parra y el proyecto La ciudad del mañana 1 dirigido por Sandra González Álvarez y Emma López Bahut.” 

REMINDER: The Early Bird invites your help in celebrating those adding to the vibrancy of our campus community.  

How to submit  

  • Navigate to the Service Request Form and select “Share your story: Early Bird and/or RED.”  
  • Fill in your contact information and all details regarding your recently published material in the “Project/Story/Issue Description and Goals” section, including:
    • The name of your paper or presentation  
    • Names, titles and higher-education institutions of all authors 
    • The name of the book, journal or conference in which it was presented  
    • Any relevant links or attachments that could be helpful   

Thank you for all your hard work, and the Early Bird looks forward to giving you a much-deserved round of applause.